Manage your devices in the cloud. You can change settings, generate device keys, configure apps and more.
Device List
In the device list view, you can view the devices you own and open the settings for each device.
You can search for devices that match your criteria with filters and partially sort them (e.g. obnizOS oldest devices).
Filters and Search
You can search only for devices that match your criteria. You can see available filters by clicking the "Filter" button in the search window in the device list.
(e.g.) A specific obniz id:0000-0000
(e.g.) active on a specific creation date created:2020-01-01 status:active
You can install and uninstall apps on your device.
You can also open the program edit screen, especially if the app is created by you.
For apps that run in the cloud, you can check the execution result as "App Status". For details, see app for details.