Net: Wi-Fi MESH

OS3.5.0 or later

Wi-Fi MESH allows obniz devices to automatically network with each other via Wi-Fi. Only the devices closest to the Wi-Fi router (access point) will be connected to the Wi-Fi, and the rest will be connected to the cloud via the network.

This allows obniz to be used in places where Wi-Fi cannot be reached without additional Wi-Fi.
It can be used in the following situations.

  • Installation in places where Wi-Fi is difficult to access, such as underground
  • When there is a limit to the number of access points that can be connected
  • When devices are frequently moved or the Wi-Fi environment changes

This technology is different from "mesh Wi-Fi" which expands Wi-Fi area provided by Wi-Fi routers and other devices.


  • Easy to set up, just add your MESH ID to the normal WiFi settings.
  • MESH network is built automatically. Automatic rebuilding for later addition and deletion.
  • Up to 100 nodes in the network, up to 6 steps
  • Mesh network can be separated by MESH ID
  • No need to change the usage on the cloud or change the obniz.js program
  • Failover (another Wi-Fi or LTE connection) is possible in case MESH is not connected
  • There is only one Wi-Fi connection (using only 1 IP) from the router's point of view with only increased bandwidth, and one TCP communication on it.

How to use

To use Wi-Fi MESH, you need to sign up for Wi-Fi MESH usage on the cloud. Please contact us for more details (Service is currently suspended).

How to use

  1. connect your device to your cloud account and sign up for a plan
  2. set up WiFi and MESH ID (any number) on the device
  3. After the device is installed, it will be automatically networked and connected to the cloud to go online.
  4. You can still use JavaScript to connect and control the device using obnizID.

You can still connect to devices, mesh or not, with a program like this

var obnizA = new Obniz("1234-5678");
var obnizB = new Obniz("0000-0000");

obnizA.onconnect = async function() {
  console.log(`connected to A`);

ObnizB.onconnect = async function() {
  console.log(`connected to B`);
