Obniz sells official devices that come with obnizOS installed and are ready to be used as soon as you turn them on and set them up, including Wi-Fi.
How to choose a device
If you want to run a motor, obniz Board
The obniz board is capable of carrying up to 1 ampere of current at all IOs and connects motors directly.
If you want to run on batteries, obniz Board 1Y
In addition to the obniz Board, it includes a sleep function for battery operation, allowing for long-term operation far from the power source.
If you want to create something with HTML, you can use M5StickC
In addition to the color display, there are pre-installed sensors and buttons inside, so you can quickly create little creations that integrate with HTML.
DevKitC for product development prototypes
The ESP32-WROOM32 is equipped with the ESP32-WROOM32, which allows you to build a prototype environment in no time.
If you use the BLE, obniz BLE/Wi-Fi Gateway
It is a BLE gateway that can be plugged in, and can be installed in a development environment as well as in an actual store.
How to buy
You will find a list of products with their respective purchase options in the Product List. There are two main ways to purchase
- EC: You can buy from the official store, Amazon or any wholesaler
- stores: Available at stores that carry multiple companies' electronic components.