This is a temperature, humidity and gas sensor made by SENKO.
Based on the advertisement information received by the BLE, it is determined whether it is MiniBreeze or not.
// Javascript Example
await obniz.ble.initWait();
const MiniBreeze = Obniz.getPartsClass("MiniBreeze");
obniz.ble.scan.onfind = async (peripheral) => {
if (MiniBreeze.isDevice(peripheral)) {
console.log("device find");
await obniz.ble.scan.startWait();
Acquires temperature, humidity and gas data based on the advertisement information received by the BLE.
Returns null in the case of advertisement information of a different SLOT.
// Javascript Example
await obniz.ble.initWait();
const MiniBreeze = Obniz.getPartsClass("MiniBreeze");
obniz.ble.scan.onfind = (peripheral) => {
if (MiniBreeze.isDevice(peripheral)) {
const data = MiniBreeze.getData(peripheral);
await obniz.ble.scan.startWait();
The format of the return value is as follows
gasType: "none" | "HCHO" | "CO" | "CO2" | "Rn" | "PM1.0" | "PM2.5" | "PM10" | "unknown";
sensVal: number;
temperature: number;
humidity: number;
version: string;
status: "BatteryEmpty" | "BatteryLow" | "BatteryNormal" | "BatteryCharging" | "Invalid";
devName: string;
Supported from: obniz.js 3.8.0