Panasonic's PIR sensor. It is used tot detects humans/animals.
This sensor include filters. So Easy to separate signal from noises.
wired(obniz, [signal [,vcc, gnd]])
It has three pins. Connect them to an obniz Board directly.
// Javascript Example
var sensor = obniz.wired("PaPIRsVZ", {gnd:0, signal:1, vcc:2});
sensor.onchange = function(val){
console.log(val ? 'Moving Something!' : 'Nothing moving');
onchange = function(value)
It called when something changed.
It humans is closing to a sensor, this function will called with value true
If a humans leaves or if a human stops moving, this function will called with value false
It's fileter works. So called with false after soon called with true.
// Javascript Example
var sensor = obniz.wired("PaPIRsVZ", {gnd:0, signal:1, vcc:2});
sensor.onchange = function(val){
console.log(val ? 'Moving Something!' : 'Nothing moving');
Supported from: obniz.js 3.5.0