obniz Parts Library


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Library for GPS Module GYSFDMAXB.

wired(vcc, gnd, txd, rxd {, Opps })

Connect vcc(5v), gnd, txd, rxd, Opps to an obniz Board.
And specify the pins on program.

// Javascript Example
let gps = obniz.wired("GYSFDMAXB", { vcc:7, gnd:8, txd:9, rxd:10, Opps:11 });
let sentence = gps.readSentence();

This module start blinking LED and output pulse at 1PPS while receiving GPS signal.

Opps is optional.


callback will be called every 1pps regarding Opps.

// Javascript Example
let gps = obniz.wired("GYSFDMAXB", { vcc:7, gnd:8, txd:9, rxd:10, Opps:11 });
gps.start1pps(function() {
  console.log("1pps received.");


Retriving infomation from received NMEA sentences.
Same information will be set to gpsInfo property.

editedData is optional.

// Javascript Example
let gps = obniz.wired("GYSFDMAXB", { vcc:7, gnd:8, txd:9, rxd:10, Opps:11 });
let gpsInfo = gps.getGpsInfo();
// Output example
gpsInfo: Object
  utc: Sat Sep 08 2018 22:42:14 GMT+0900 (JST)
  status: A [Active]    // Active or Void
  fixMode: 3 [3D]    // 1:Fix not available, 2:2D, 3:3D
  gpsQuality: 2 [DGPS fix]    // 0:Invalid, 1:GPS fix, 2:DGPS fix
  latitude: 35.999999
  longitude: 139.999999
  pdop: 1.24    // PDOP: Position Dilution of Precision
  hdop: 0.97    // HDOP: Horizontal Dilution of Precision
  vdop: 0.77    // VDOP: Vertical Dilution of Position
  altitude: 57.4[M]
  declination: NaN    // Magnetic declination
  direction: 236.34
  speed: 0.02[km/h]
  satelliteInfo: Object
    inUse: 11
    inView: 15
    satellites: Array (15)
      [0]: {id: 194,    elevation: 87,    azimuth: 261,    snr: 31[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [1]: {id: 25,    elevation: 63,    azimuth: 179,    snr: 34[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [2]: {id: 12,    elevation: 59,    azimuth: 67,    snr: 20[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [3]: {id: 193,    elevation: 59,    azimuth: 210,    snr: 37[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [4]: {id: 10,    elevation: 55,    azimuth: 256,    snr: 40[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [5]: {id: 42,    elevation: 48,    azimuth: 170,    snr: 31[dB],    inUse: false, }
      [6]: {id: 20,    elevation: 43,    azimuth: 211,    snr: 35[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [7]: {id: 32,    elevation: 41,    azimuth: 315,    snr: 46[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [8]: {id: 24,    elevation: 35,    azimuth: 57,    snr: NaN[dB],    inUse: false, }
      [9]: {id: 15,    elevation: 25,    azimuth: 120,    snr: 23[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [10]: {id: 14,    elevation: 19,    azimuth: 307,    snr: 30[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [11]: {id: 195,    elevation: 18,    azimuth: 168,    snr: 28[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [12]: {id: 31,    elevation: 12,    azimuth: 260,    snr: 24[dB],    inUse: true, }
      [13]: {id: 19,    elevation: 5,    azimuth: 46,    snr: NaN[dB],    inUse: false, }
      [14]: {id: 29,    elevation: 1,    azimuth: 160,    snr: NaN[dB],    inUse: false, }


Read and analyze one sentence (one line) from received (NMEA Format).
Empty string will be returned when no data received.

This method is useful only when NMEA direct use.

One sentence will appear in one string.
Example: "$GPGGA,134214.000,3599.9999,N,13999.9999,E,2,11,0.97,57.4,M,39.5,M,,*5C"

// Javascript Example
let gps = obniz.wired("GYSFDMAXB", { vcc:7, gnd:8, txd:9, rxd:10, Opps:11 });
let sentence = gps.readSentence();


Get GPS info object from received NMEA format.
Same data is set to editedData property.

  • editedData.enable : indicate having datas below
  • editedData.GPGGA : GPGGA sentence data
  • editedData.GPGLL : GPGLL sentence data
  • editedData.GPGSA : GPGSA sentence data
  • editedData.GPGSV[ ] : GPGSV array of sentence data
  • editedData.GPRMC : GPRMC sentence data
  • editedData.GPVTG : GPVTG sentence data
  • editedData.GPZDA : GPZDA sentence data
  • editedData.xxx : otherxxx sentence data
  • editedData.timestamp : GPZDA sentence data's date(Date object)

Example: $GPGGA,134214.000,3599.9999,N,13999.9999,E,2,11,0.97,57.4,M,39.5,M,,*5C


// Javascript Example
let gps = obniz.wired("GYSFDMAXB", { vcc:7, gnd:8, txd:9, rxd:10, Opps:11 });

function mainLoop() {
  var data = gps.getEditedData();
  if (data.enable) {
    if (data.GPGGA)    console.log(data.GPGGA.join(","));
    if (data.GPGLL)    console.log(data.GPGLL.join(","));
    if (data.GPGSA)    console.log(data.GPGSA.join(","));
    if (data.GPGSV[0]) console.log(data.GPGSV[0].join(","));
    if (data.GPGSV[1]) console.log(data.GPGSV[1].join(","));
    if (data.GPGSV[2]) console.log(data.GPGSV[2].join(","));
    if (data.GPGSV[3]) console.log(data.GPGSV[3].join(","));
    if (data.GPRMC)    console.log(data.GPRMC.join(","));
    if (data.GPVTG)    console.log(data.GPVTG.join(","));
    if (data.GPZDA)    console.log(data.GPZDA.join(","));
    if (data.PMTK010)  console.log(data.PMTK010.join(","));
    if (data.PMTK011)  console.log(data.PMTK011.join(","));
  setTimeout(mainLoop, 100);

setTimeout(mainLoop, 10);

unit conversion methods

Data conversion methods for NMEA format.

  • nmea2dms(value)

    Latitude/Longitude of NMEA to DMS format string (999°99'99.9")

  • nmea2dm(value)

    Latitude/Longitude of NMEA to DM format string (999°99.9999')

  • nmea2dd(value)

    Latitude/Longitude of NMEA to DD format string (999.999999)

  • nmea2s(value)

    Latitude/Longitude of NMEA to S format string (0.999999999)

// Javascript Example

  let d = gps.getEditedData();
  if (d.enable) {
    if (d.GPGGA) {
      let p = d.GPGGA;
      if (p[6] !=="0") {
        let longitude = gps.nmea2dd(p[2]);
        let latitude = gps.nmea2dd(p[4]);




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Supported from: obniz.js 3.5.0